What information should be included on the packaging label of aerosol tin cans?


As a common packaging form, aerosol tin cans are widely used in daily chemicals, medicine, food and other fields. Its packaging label is not only a carrier of product information, but also an important means to ensure consumer safety and product compliance.

This article will discuss in detail the information that aerosol tin cans packaging label should contain, to help companies standardize label content and improve consumer awareness and trust.

1. Basic information

The packaging label of aerosol tin cans must first contain basic information, which is the most direct way for consumers to understand the product. This basic information includes:

Product name: Clearly identify the specific name of the product to help consumers quickly identify the type and use of the product. For example, "air freshener", "insect spray", etc.

Brand name: Brand name is a key element of brand identification and helps consumers establish brand awareness and trust.

Net content of the product: Indicate the net content of the product (such as weight or volume) to ensure that consumers understand the specific quantity of the product purchased.

aerosol tin cans

2. Ingredients and formula

Aerosol tin cans products usually contain a variety of chemical ingredients, and clearly identifying ingredient information is crucial for consumer selection and safe use.

Ingredients: List all ingredients in the product in detail, arranged in order of content. This helps consumers understand the chemical composition of the product, especially for consumers with allergies.

Active ingredients: For aerosol tin cans with specific functions (such as pesticides and disinfectants), the active ingredients and their content must be clearly indicated so that consumers can understand their effective ingredients and mechanism of action.

3. Instructions for use

Proper use of aerosol tin cans can improve the effect of use and reduce risks. The packaging label should provide clear instructions for use, including:

How to use: Describe the steps of using the product in detail to ensure that consumers can operate it correctly. For example, spraying distance, frequency of use, use environment, etc.

Precautions: Prompt consumers to pay attention to matters that need to be paid attention to during use, such as avoiding direct inhalation, keeping away from fire, and avoiding children's contact.

4. Safety warnings

Since aerosol tin cans products often contain flammable, explosive, irritating or toxic ingredients, safety warning information is the key to ensuring safe use by consumers.

Safety signs: Including internationally recognized safety signs such as flammable signs, explosion signs, and toxic signs, reminding consumers to pay attention to the potential dangers of the product.

Warning: Clearly mark the dangers of the product and safe use recommendations. For example, "This product is flammable, do not approach fire sources", "Please use in a well-ventilated area", "Avoid direct contact with skin or eyes", etc.

5. Production and shelf life information

Production and shelf life information is not only an important part of product compliance, but also an important reference for consumers to choose products.

Production date: Clearly mark the production date of the product to facilitate consumers to understand the freshness of the product.

Shelf life: Indicate the shelf life or expiration date of the product to ensure that consumers use it within the validity period and ensure the product effect and safety.

Production batch number: Recording the production batch number helps trace the product production process, facilitates corporate quality management and consumer complaint handling.

6. Corporate information

Corporate information is an important way for consumers to understand manufacturers and after-sales services. The label should contain the following:

Manufacturer name and address: Indicate the name and detailed address of the manufacturer to enhance product transparency and consumer trust.

Contact information: Provide a contact number, customer service hotline or official website to facilitate consumer consultation and feedback.

7. Legal and certification information

The label of aerosol tin cans products should also contain legal and certification information to ensure that the product complies with relevant regulations.

Compliance marks: Including product certification marks, quality certification marks, such as ISO certification marks, environmental protection marks, etc., indicating that the product complies with relevant regulations and standards.

Legal statement: According to local regulations, provide necessary legal statements, such as "for external use only" and "do not eat by mistake".

aerosol tin

8. Market and cultural information

As consumers pay more attention to brand culture and social responsibility, some market and cultural information has gradually become an important part of packaging labels.

Brand story: Briefly introduce the brand history and cultural background to enhance brand image and consumer stickiness.

Environmental information: Explain the environmental characteristics of the product or packaging, such as "recyclable", "made of environmentally friendly materials", etc., to convey the company's sense of social responsibility.


The packaging label information of aerosol tin cans is not only a display of product information, but also an important means to ensure consumer safety and improve product compliance.

By carefully labeling the product name, brand name, ingredient list, instructions for use, safety warnings, production and shelf life information, corporate information, as well as legal and certification information, companies can effectively increase consumers' awareness and trust in their products and enhance their market competitiveness.

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